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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jeff the Chef Posted - 01/06/2005 : 10:54:17

On Sun 12 June I will be attempting to better my marathon PB by running the Edinburgh marathon.

I am also running the marathon to raise money for a town in Sri Lanka which was destroyed by the Tsunami. My uncle's brother is a priest out there and the money will be handed over to help fund the rebuild of a school and orphange.

If anyone would like to pledge a few quid to the cause it would be greatly appreciated, guess you can either reply to this or email me on richard.boxhall@kpmg.co.uk.

Nice One


....Don't Tell I Tell Ee
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jeff the Chef Posted - 13/06/2005 : 14:13:40
Originally posted by Rob

Fair play. Good time aswell!

London next year then?

Suprised myself if I'm honest, especially the lack of pain today. Not in a hurry to do it again though, the run hurt like hell and some wanker put the last three miles uphill!

....Don't Tell I Tell Ee
Maddog Posted - 13/06/2005 : 14:05:07
If you did it in 4hrs how long did the Rhino take!!
Rob Posted - 13/06/2005 : 13:57:03
Fair play. Good time aswell!

London next year then?
Jeff the Chef Posted - 13/06/2005 : 12:49:47
Thanks to everyone who sponsored me,

I completed the course in 4hrs 5mins (knocking 2hrs 5mins off my PB!!) and am in suprisingly little pain today!

Am off to China in a coupld of weeks so would be nice to get any sponsor money collected by then. If you aren't likely to see me, let me know and we can arrange something.

....Don't Tell I Tell Ee
Dog Posted - 09/06/2005 : 15:48:53
If you want it to be 33p difference, make an appointment with the accountant!
Jeff the Chef Posted - 09/06/2005 : 14:03:14
Originally posted by Maddog

Boxhall, just to clarify, the £4.77 i sponsored you last night superceeds the fiver i origianlly sponsored.

However, if you run backwards i am willing to give you the extra 33p!

It's 23p

Cheers Ships

....Don't Tell I Tell Ee
shippers Posted - 09/06/2005 : 13:42:32
I will give you a fiver for doing it.
Maddog Posted - 09/06/2005 : 12:49:54
Boxhall, just to clarify, the £4.77 i sponsored you last night superceeds the fiver i origianlly sponsored.

However, if you run backwards i am willing to give you the extra 33p!
Jeff the Chef Posted - 09/06/2005 : 12:27:34
Cheers Rob,

Is that like an open cheque, I chose the amount??

....Don't Tell I Tell Ee
Rob Posted - 09/06/2005 : 12:13:00
I'll pledge.
Jeff the Chef Posted - 09/06/2005 : 12:03:49
Last chance for anyone to pledge any donations before the big day??

Thanks to everyone who has sponsored me to date, looks like I will be raising around £400.

....Don't Tell I Tell Ee
Jeff the Chef Posted - 02/06/2005 : 09:39:22
I will finish, just hoping this time my time doesn't start with a 6!

Cheers guys.

....Don't Tell I Tell Ee
Maddog Posted - 02/06/2005 : 08:35:13
I'll sponsor you a fiver, but only if you finish! I'll give you an extra fiver if you crawl the last half mile, making pig noises as you go.
Dog Posted - 01/06/2005 : 13:36:15
£5 and it's yours whether you complete it or not.

Jeff the Chef Posted - 01/06/2005 : 13:21:31
£5 it is!

Very generous thank you.

....Don't Tell I Tell Ee

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