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 Bloody Sunday 2007

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gents Posted - 26/09/2007 : 11:56:08
As the shops have started stocking Christmas Cards already its obviously got me thinking about Bloody Sunday, and I wondered if there had been any discussions about when it'll actually be this year?

The Sunday before Christmas is the 23rd December which is obviously also the day before Christmas Eve, and I remember when we had a Bloody Sunday on the 23rd before (possibly the first ever one???) that everyone was minging for Christmas Eve and the usual all-dayer didn't really get going, so we said then that we wouldn't do one the 23rd again.

Will it be the 16th December, or do we risk having it on the 23rd?

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
shippers Posted - 18/12/2007 : 13:20:37
Where is the hype?
Jeff the Chef Posted - 27/09/2007 : 11:22:10
23rd would mean a lot more people could make it as they won't have to work the next day!

....Don't Tell I Tell Ee

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