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 NEW KITS 2007/08

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
shippers Posted - 10/05/2007 : 14:59:54
What do you think of the new Bristol City Kit?


Anyone else seen any other new kits for next season?

Shippers the Fashion King!!!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jungle Jim Posted - 11/05/2007 : 11:47:42
I was hoping for a purple and green away kit, to bring back the glory days of 1994.
1-0 to the Tinnion...
Maddog Posted - 11/05/2007 : 09:28:22
I keep tell you Shippers, there is no Jealousy.

Like Liverpool buying Crouch, Bellamy and Pennant, I do it for laugh!

I do like the new City kit tho. Especially the Black away one.
shippers Posted - 11/05/2007 : 09:04:17
Maddog please can you stop chatting about Liverpool. I reckon you think about them more than your own team. A sign of bitterness and jealousy!!!

This is the worst new championship kit i have seen so far...


Jungle: yep i like puma gear. They probably went for black because there are a couple of teams who play in red and white strips?! Anyway, im sure they will bring out a 3rd strip next season. I would like to see a yellow one!
Jungle Jim Posted - 10/05/2007 : 16:43:35
Good thing about having Puma kits is they always look smart. Bad thing is they look the same as every other Puma team.

Would prefer a white away kit to black, but it does look smart.

Just need to get rid of Del Boy motors and get a proper sponsor then we will be ready for the Premiership.
Maddog Posted - 10/05/2007 : 15:36:24
I found a site with the new Liverpool lit on it:


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