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T O P I C    R E V I E W
shippers Posted - 17/05/2007 : 10:49:22
Like a true armchair supporter I am… I’ve decided not to spend £800+ to get to Athens this year!

So if anyone fancies winding me up when LFC lose to AC Milan on Wednesday please feel free to join me and fellow LFC Ultra’s at a venue in Bristol.

I’m suggesting the Roo Bar but if anyone else has any other better suggestions please feel free…

p.s. We've won it 5 times!!!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jammer10 Posted - 17/05/2007 : 16:00:04
Shipway is an armchair supporter!! If you supported liverpool enough you would be there supporting them!!
Jungle Jim Posted - 17/05/2007 : 13:21:53
There was a good atmosphere in Walkabout last time you fluked it. I remember fake scousers hanging off the ceiling when the 3rd went in.

p.s. you'll still have won it 5 times this time next week :-)

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