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 Showboat Draw and Registration

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dog Posted - 18/05/2007 : 14:43:11
The draw for the showboat has now taken place, and can be found below. The men's tournament will follow the format of a world cup, with the top 2 of each of the 8 groups qualifying for the KO stages. The ladies tournament will initially follow a league format, whereby each of the 6 teams play each other once, and then the top 4 will progress to the semi finals.

The men's tournament kicks off at 10:30am, so can all captains ensure your team are ready to start at this time. Captains are asked to register at the registration desk by 10am.
The ladies tournament kicks off at 1:30pm. Pete, can you inform all the ladies teams that they need to register by 1pm.
As you know team entry is £20 per team, please pay this on registration.

Men's Tournament

Group A : Chernos Samba Stars (Tays) , Colts B (Ang) , AFC Nailsea A , Wig-on Athletic (Powell)
Group B : Wig FC (Ropes) , N&B Rugby Club , The Old Gits (Midge) , Sycamore House (Mr Chairman)
Group C : Norfolk Enchants (Norman) , Harlem Grove Trotters (Hughes) , The Nailsea Old Boys , TBA2**
Group D : Running Tangs (Luke) , Happy Hammers (Spenny) , Club Futbol Benidorm (Stu) , Mighty Rish
Group E : FC Muppets (Jam) , Rhubarb Tavern , The Ridge (Neil) , Colts A (Green)
Group F : AFC Nailsea B , The Royal Oak , Inter Women II (Pars) , The Aviators (Vicks)
Group G : Nailsea Junior Legends (Wils) , FC Golden Valley (Cook) , Uplands Old Stars , TBA1**
Group H* : Long Shots (Longy) , Snozstralia (Harry) , Real Reserves (Hodges) , Patriots (Ado)

Ladies Tournament
Easton Cowgirls , Frys A , Frys B , Nailsea Utd A (Pete) , Nailsea Utd B (Mat) , Swiss Valley Ladies

Prize draw
Can all outstanding raffle ticket stubs and monies please be returned to Tony Smith ASAP. It is very important that all stubs are returned so that everybody who has bought tickets has the chance to win the great prizes on offer.

* Group of death !
** As you can see we are still 2 teams short. Please contact me ASAP if you know of someone who wishes to enter a team.

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