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 Liverpool and Rafa

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Happy Hammer Posted - 31/01/2008 : 10:59:51

May i just congratulate Mark Noble on a fantastic Pen last night, I think we have found an english man who can take Pens under pressure.

As far as i'm concerned Rafa should stay if were going take 3 points off them regularly.

Come on you Irons

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
casper Posted - 14/03/2008 : 00:26:16
Everton were awesome on wed night and battered them from start to finish, shame we couldnt convert one more chance but we deserved to go through and are ready for our champions league challenge next year now.

It was interesting to see Liverpool took their own ref to both the Inter games, no idea how you continually get away with it but fair play it works for u. I just hope Clattenburg isnt doing the derby in a few weeks!!
Maddog Posted - 13/03/2008 : 17:49:37
Is that the Top Four that Everton are currently only outside of on goal difference, Ships?

How many mores tens of millions do you think the fat waiter will need to spend to move away from us so called small clubs?!?
Jeff the Chef Posted - 13/03/2008 : 12:19:05
It's a top three, Liverpool aren't premiership contenders.

....Don't Tell I Tell Ee
shippers Posted - 13/03/2008 : 08:20:45
Being knocked out at the quarter final stages of the UEFA cup just proved once again that Everton and Spurs are still a million miles away from the top four! It also highlights once again you wouldn’t stand a chance of getting into the group stages of the European Cup… Fact!

Are you guys off on your summers holiday now?

p.s. it was good to see Piennar, Yakubu, Carsley, Lecott & Jagielka coping well without Cahill!
casper Posted - 11/03/2008 : 12:10:37

My trip to Anfield was interesting. We didnt come across one scouser all day, the majority of ur fans are Irish and Scandanavian. Good job uve got Gerarrd and Torres as the rest of the team were very poor.

Big game for you tonight, confident?

Im going to Goodison tomorrow night, not holding out too much hope though......
shippers Posted - 10/03/2008 : 13:37:10
Casper how was your trip to Anfield?

Who enjoyed watching Ferguson and Query crying about losing to Pompey?!

p.s. Its all gone quiet in the Happy Hammer camp... 0-4, 4-0, 4-0!!!
shippers Posted - 07/03/2008 : 12:35:11
I've always known that you were are a secret red at heart. You're all the same you lot!

I will never forget the time I witnessed P Macca (a so called blue nose!) singing You’ll never walk alone at the top of his voice at the Liverpool v Roma match in 2001.
Rob Posted - 07/03/2008 : 12:29:25

Give yourself plenty of time to take the trophy room tour.
casper Posted - 07/03/2008 : 12:20:22

We were very poor last night and looked out of our depth but its only half time and it could of been more than 2 the way we played. Piennar, Yakubu, Carsley, Lecott & Jagielka have all been better than Arteta this year so dont go worrying ur little self about that.

Im sure Liverpool will get 4th but its quite funny we are making you sweat for it considering how much money you spend every year and how ur supposedly one of the big four.

I will be at Anfield tomorrow cheering on Newcastle as i have a free ticket....
shippers Posted - 07/03/2008 : 08:39:07
Sack Moyes!

Good to see Everton step up to the challenge when faced with a stronger European side instead of the s**te they have faced thus far. Just proves to us again that they can’t cut it in Europe! If they do scrape into 4th place I am sure they will only get knocked out in the first stages of the CL again. However, If I’m being honest I don’t think they will get 4th spot cos apparently Arteta is struggling and we all know Everton will fall apart if Arteta or Cahill don’t play.

P.s. Happy Hammer… how did you enjoy getting stuffed 4-0 the second time this week?!
Jeff the Chef Posted - 26/02/2008 : 09:52:07
He won't be needed at all if Everton keep going the way they are

....Don't Tell I Tell Ee
Jungle Jim Posted - 20/02/2008 : 15:27:53
Maybe they should just keep him on as a consultant for champions league games?

Rob Posted - 18/02/2008 : 16:02:58
Let's hope so.
Jeff the Chef Posted - 18/02/2008 : 08:15:18
Somebody has to mention it??

Champions League this week could see the end of fat Rafa??

....Don't Tell I Tell Ee
Jungle Jim Posted - 01/02/2008 : 13:54:06
How funny if liverpool don't even make the UEFA cup next season!
Their chances of getting a trophy this year are now looking as likely as finding 100,000 scousers to stump up £5k each to buy the club.
Surely all the plastic reds will soon be deserting next season when premiership glory is available much closer to home?

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