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 The Party Tent - acts needed

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gents Posted - 29/05/2007 : 12:30:30
We have finally purchased the new HMZ party tent for Glastonbury, as discussed on the accomodation thread, you can see a picture here - http://www.shop-com.co.uk/op/~10'_x_30'_Wedding_Party_Tent_Marquee_with_sides-prod-42360434-57810452?sourceid=309

We all agreed after a few beers on Sunday that it would be a good idea to try and attract some bands to play some late night acoustic sets in the tent, so if anyone has any ideas of who we could ask then reply to this message and let me know, and I'll email them and ask.

So far we have these potential targets:

The Wurzels
The Pipettes
Super Furry Animals (or at least the singer on his own)
Chas And Dave (so we can burn them)

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gents Posted - 30/05/2007 : 16:15:21
Originally posted by Jeff the Chef

Simple Kid......if his laptop is loud enough with no PA!?

Excellent! Id like to do the Kermit The Frog duet with him, and will probably be green by that time of night after a day of ciderrrr

Jeff the Chef Posted - 30/05/2007 : 15:10:52
Simple Kid......if his laptop is loud enough with no PA!?

....Don't Tell I Tell Ee

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