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 The Apple

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Apple Posted - 14/09/2006 : 23:50:47


supported in his professional capacity by Hannah More's very own Ridgey!
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gents Posted - 01/12/2006 : 17:01:51
Originally posted by Gents

Its stupidly expensive though, most pints/bottles are over £3

I was talking about pints and bottles collectively here, but i had a better look when i visited the other day. From what i remember (although the exact details are a bit blurry) there were about 8 different pints on offer and they were certainly no more than £2.80 - although the Bristolian is £2 for a half so that works out at £4 a pint! And there are about 33 bottles, - almost all of these (apart from 7 or 8 of the more common ones like Strongbow) were over £3... so i think its fair to say that most drinks are generally over £3, which seems expensive to me. Even £2.80 for a pint of local cider seems a lot, considering you can go and fill a tub up at the farm for 60p a pint, and persumeably it works out less than that to buy in bulk for a pub. Ive seen some pints of the same ciders in Bristol for £1 less.

Anyway, the prices are the only thing i can complain about, apart from that its brillaint, and great to see the boat packed with people enjoying cider on a weekend. Ive heard of a few people trying proper cider there for the first time and becoming regular cider-drinkers so its gotta be good.

The Apple Posted - 26/10/2006 : 14:43:05

We aren't the cheapest cider pub in the world, but it's simply not true that most pints are over £3, they are all under £3!

£2.40-2.80 to be precise.

We have to sell bottles more expensively than we'd like solely because it costs so much to buy them/get them delivered. We certainly aren't trying to go for the 'classy and expensive end of the market' either, just trying to make cider accessible to everyone.

Steve The Wurzel Posted - 06/10/2006 : 17:38:05
Hmm.. I suppose I'll have to go down and "lower the tone" then

There's a Cyder Sunday this Sunday down the Fleece 12pm-5pm... right before Adequate 7's last ever gig.. who I seem to remember Gents liked. I throw up a new thread as I got the poster sent to me.

Wasted rocked.. it's on again next year in Blackpool,except its called Rebellion.

Gents Posted - 02/10/2006 : 23:15:09
We visited the Barge on friday, they have a very wide selection on the menu and had most of the advertised products in stock, nothing really that unusual or anything i hadn't tried before apart from something which is persumeabley made especially for them called "Bristolian" - which is basically their answer to Exhibiton (8.4% and only sold in halves).

Its quite expensive though, most pints/bottles are over £3 so couldn't afford to stay there long, they've definitely tried to go for a more upmarket approach rather than the old cider-house style place i was expecting. Can't imagine i'll be spending as much time there as i was hoping to, definitely worth checking out tho.

Dave Gorman Posted - 27/09/2006 : 02:26:20
steve any pics from the cider sundays ?

if you let us know two weeks in advance i'll pop down for the next'un.

what did you think of wasted ?

Steve The Wurzel Posted - 16/09/2006 : 22:37:54
I think it is Dave.. the old Hartcliffe MC barge, I went on it a few times back then.

I'm looking forward to seeing what ciders they're offering.
Dave Gorman Posted - 15/09/2006 : 22:27:28
is that in yhee old bikers barge ?

Al Caholic Posted - 15/09/2006 : 11:47:24
This is excellent news and about time Bristol had a proper job cider pub/bar. Perhaps you could post a list of some of the wonderful vintages you will be selling on this forum.

I will be frequenting your establishment and spreading the word to everyone whether they want to listen or not.

I am also assuming that it will be a strictly Magners free area to keep out the chavs.

Zider I up barkeep!
Gents Posted - 15/09/2006 : 09:34:04
I've been waiting for this day all my life! And its only a few minutes from my work

Got any jobs going for a cider-taster or resident cider-expert???


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