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 Weather for Glastonbury

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gents Posted - 11/06/2007 : 12:02:53
Seen the latest forecast? http://www.metcheck.com/V40/UK/FREE/14days.asp?zipcode=glastonbury

Thundery showers for wednesday night and rain more or less throughout, great!

At least we'll have the party tent so our fire doesn't get wet tho!

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Jungle Jim Posted - 11/06/2007 : 16:23:12
Have another look! Suddenly its gone to just a bit of rain on the sunday.
Which sadly only proves the inconsistency of the metcheck.com forecasts. More reliable, but less promising is this - http://www.netweather.tv/index.cgi?action=forecast;type=glasto;sess=;

The BBC monthly outlook is a bit vauge still, but seems to suggest it'll be ok without being brilliant.

This is still the most accurate however, even though the year and dates need updating... http://www.hannahmorezider.co.uk/Glastonbury/05Weather.htm

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