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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jungle Jim Posted - 12/11/2004 : 12:00:23

Anyone want to own up?!

Cider's coming home...
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jungle Jim Posted - 15/09/2006 : 18:31:33
You can also deduce from that the Marines do tolerate dogging, presumably as long as you're not on duty at the time (although I would imagine dogging sites in Afghanistan are a bit rarer than they seem to be in North Somerset).

This is perhaps the sort of thing lacking from modern day careers advice.
Gents Posted - 14/09/2006 : 20:51:09
There is more news here, including an interview with the doggers - http://www.thisisbristol.com/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=144913&command=displayContent&sourceNode=200267&home=yes&more_nodeId1=144916&contentPK=15423784

Interesting that force state that they won't tolerate dogging, but make no mention of piking!

Jungle Jim Posted - 14/09/2006 : 17:53:36
On the dogging beach...

Wonder if Nailsea School still do Geography field trips there?
Gents Posted - 17/06/2005 : 09:44:50
After walking thru Backwell Lake at 12 last night i can confirm the dogging scene in Outer Nailsea is alive and kicking. Not that i was piking or anything.

Gents Posted - 17/11/2004 : 10:12:01
Check out page 3 of today's Evening Post for big dogging news. Dogging and Kebabs anyone??


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