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 WURZELS: 'Cider' single - St George's Day

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
charliestumpy Posted - 23/04/2007 : 05:49:01
Following on from Thatchers advert earlier, Tony Blackburn is on new redone 3 Wurzels-songs CD/vinyl out this Shakespeare's birthdate.

Does anyone please know how to find out next home game at Ashton Gate as they do not stick it on poster outside ground - ta.
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charliestumpy Posted - 19/05/2007 : 08:56:27
Ta for reply - I bought 2 yellow vinyls and CD of St George's Day Wurzels release - great.

I have contacted/visited Brity on quite a few occasions explaining that in the old-recent days they/others had even 1 poster or whatever at ground delineating next events there ...

With 7000 PCs etc at my disposal I can find out if footie or the Stones or Billy Graham is at Ashton gate (or even footie or rugby...), but I know of plenty of human beings like myself who walk past ground who would like to know what's on there ...

So far, I understand that Cambridge United display forthcoming fixtures/events, but am still amazed that Bristol City do not realize that communicating efficiently with the community is a good thing.
Gents Posted - 23/04/2007 : 09:50:35
Originally posted by charliestumpy

Does anyone please know how to find out next home game at Ashton Gate as they do not stick it on poster outside ground - ta.

Hello Charlie,

You could probably try the Bristol City website - http://www.bcfc.co.uk or websites with football fixtures on such as www.bbc.co.uk or http://home.skysports.com/ or the local newspaper. The Rotherham website probably has it too.

Will be off to buy the Wurzels single later, just hope their cover of Ferry To Glastonbury isn't a disco remix!


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