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 Fiesta Jungla

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jungle Jim Posted - 15/07/2005 : 10:26:27
If anyone was listening to Radio 1 this morning the Scott Mills show was being broadcast live from the Fiesta Jungla in Magalluf, where of course the name and character "Jungle Jim" was born!
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RicardiƱo Posted - 15/07/2005 : 18:08:59
I was listening to it for a bit but didn't realise it was the Jungla!

Mind you were they actually there? Or were they even in Magalluf? The Fiesta is the epicentre of lying, but then again they would haveto be ther eto cath the lying disease so that doesn't really work does it!

Make her day, put it in cider
Gents Posted - 15/07/2005 : 10:53:58
I listened to it, im sure the shouts in the background would have been much more offensive if us lot were staying at this particular time, especially as we would have probably just been getting in around that time.

That bloke who claimed he'd seen the fattest hen night ever out the night before must have flown over straight from the RM Bar last night i think.


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