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 Over 100 Ciders!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gents Posted - 27/10/2006 : 09:39:26
There is a cider festival in Bath during Feb offering up 100+ different ciders - http://www.ents24.com/web/event/1092641/The_Bath_Cider_Festival.html

Think i'll be going to the Friday night session.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Gents Posted - 18/01/2007 : 12:32:28
More details here:

The Bath Cider Festival will have over 60 different ciders, as well as pork, apple and stuffing rolls for sale. Advanced tickets are £5.00 per session available from the box office or the Bath Pavilion website, or £6.00 on the door. The entrance fee includes a limited edition Bath Cider Festival glass (while stocks last!) The Mangledwurzels will be playing two 45 minute sets at each session; exact times to be confirmed. Note: This is now only a two day event!

We got 7 of us going so far and there are only about 50 tickets left so get em quick.

Al Caholic Posted - 27/10/2006 : 13:53:37
Count I in

Zider I up barkeep!

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